Ever Feel Brain Dead?

The BRAIN is so amazing! It controls your thoughts and ideas, it relays messages to and from your arms, legs, eyes, ears and nose. But HOLD ON...why do I consistently feel brain-dead?

There is a limit to your brain's daily mental capabilities, and the bad news is, that it’s not very high. The conscious, thinking and analytical part of your brain represents your executive function. It processes over 2,000 pieces of information per second, which is impressive, but its capacity is quite limited, as you well know, whenever you push its boundaries.

The Brain’s Credit Card

Consider the conscious mind to be your brain’s credit card with a $10,000 limit. You start each day clear of debt, but from the moment you wake up, the meter is running and you are drawing against your limit. The good news is that much of what you do each day is run on autopilot, and you’re not tapping into that conscious mind at all. So washing your hair, brushing your teeth, eating your breakfast and even getting to work come at minimal cost to you. But start reading and responding to emails ($500), attending three or 4 meetings ($4,000), dealing with employee issues (3,000), more emails ($500), and now you starting to run low.

Now add a couple of big-ticket items that really chew up credit: making decisions ($3-5,000 depending on complexity and quantity), planning or forecasting ($4,000), brainstorming or problem-solving ($6,000) – and whoops, you’re in the red. And that means you’re mentally exhausted – overdrawn – finished – kaput!

Just like a computer crash, our brain shuts down, drastically limiting our ability to process all that is coming in. We often speak about this as being, or feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

What Can You Do?

Stop spending for a while – work on something that is routine and requires minimal mental effort on your part. Get up and get out – a walk around the block will do wonders. Recent research confirms the regenerating effects of activity not just on the body, but also on the brain, due to the oxygen carried in the blood.

What are the Causes?

Brain fog occurs when the brain is overworked, under strain, lack of sleep, stress, and spending too much time on the computer.  The most common symptoms are feeling dazed and confused, headaches, thinking more slowly than usual, an inability to remember things or even tasks just completed, mental fatigue, and mood swings.

According to several studies, chronic stress impairs brain function in multiple ways. It can disrupt synapse regulation, resulting in the loss of sociability and the avoidance of interactions with others. Stress can kill brain cells and even reduce the size of the brain.

On a cellular level, brain fog is believed to be caused by high levels of inflammation and changes to hormones that determine your mood, energy and focus.

Consider also those factors, such as aging,  pollution and hormonal imbalance which can have a negative effect on our mental skills as well.

How Do You Cure a Stressed Brain?

  • Say No. ...

  • Disconnect. ...

  • Neutralize Toxic People. ...

  • Don't Hold Grudges. ...

  • Practice Mindfulness. ...

  • Put Things in Perspective. ...

  • Balance your hormonal System. ...

Hormonal Fluctuations

Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers that help regulate certain bodily functions. If you don’t have balanced hormones, your brain and body won’t be functioning optimally, actually, your brain will work less efficiently. Imbalances in hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone can affect concentration and memory, often leading to brain fog. They also add stress to your body’s systems—and brain fog is a sign that your stress levels are too high.

How to Rid Yourself of Hormonal Brain Fog!

  • Slow down. ...

  • Manage your stress. ...

  • Get regular exercise. ...

  • Improve your sleep habits. ..

  • Use memory tricks

Keep This in Mind!

It’s easy to forget that our brains require energy to function. We wouldn’t run a marathon and then feel like failures when our legs are tired. So why do we treat mental fatigue so differently? Our brainpower is exhaustible, but it’s 100% renewable if we manage it wisely.

How to Become an Advocate

Our processes start with lab work, analysis, and realistic goals. After all, if you start chasing solutions without understanding what's happening, you will not be successful in feeling better.

We help our clients become advocates. We don't just request the typical blood panel. We make sure you are getting a complete evaluation along with second opinions from various experts. Your condition might be typical aging, but often there is something else going on. We help our clients not only identify the issue but take the time to understand the issue, so they can make intelligent choices.

Now that we have a window into your body, we can start to infuse good choices into your life.

To learn more about the next steps, you can schedule a free 30-minute no obligation strategy call here, so you can ask questions and I can learn more about your situation.

Ingrid Saenger